You can quickly and efficiently make a reservation or check availability online or you can talk with one of our knowledgeable reservations agents:
Toll-free within the U.S. 866-GEYSERLAND (866-439-7375)
Outside the U.S. 307-344-7311
For same-day reservations or to reach a lodge guest (when in-park operations are open) 307-344-7901
Reservations Office Hours (Mountain Time)
Central Reservations Hours of Operation
Daily – 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Mountain Time
Note: The reservations office is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, and will close at 12:00pm on the day prior to each of these holidays.
Advance Reservations
The reservation booking window accepts reservations for stays up to 13 months in advance*. Specifically, on the 5th of each month, we’ll begin accepting reservations for the same entire month of the following year. For example, on April 5, 2025, guests will be able to make Yellowstone reservations for applicable dates and properties from April 1 through April 30, 2026.
On the 5th of each month guests will be able to reserve the applicable future periods online beginning at midnight (12:00 a.m.) Mountain time or over the phone beginning at 7:00 a.m.
Note: Reservations for packages, activities, and dinner will not follow the same schedule. Sign-up for our email mailing list to be informed or follow our website for updates.
* Please note, guests whose intended lodging or campground reservation arrives in the 13th month may extend their stay by up to 4 additional continuous nights into the 14th month, in the same lodge/campground for the same room/site type. For example, if May is the 13th month, a reservation arriving on/before May 31 can be reserved to include up to 4 nights in June, checking out on/before June 5 in the same lodge/campground and same room/site type. Stays extending beyond the 4th night of the 14thmonth will need to be reserved when that month is opened with the rolling 13-month schedule.
Travel Agent Reservations
We accept travel agent reservations for individual travel parties. However, please be advised that we do not pay commissions or offer net rates to travel professionals. Group reservations should be made through our Group Reservations Sales Office.