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*Do not check this box if you have an Annual Pass.

Take the Yellowstone Pledge

Take the pledge. Tell a friend. Protect the park.

The Yellowstone Pledge is a personal promise you can make to yourself and the park. It can be taken anywhere: it doesn’t need to be taken out loud or in front of anyone. Tag #YellowstonePledge and encourage others to do the same.

To be a steward and help protect myself and the park, I pledge to:

  • Practice safe selfies by never approaching animals to take a picture.
  • Stay on boardwalks in thermal areas.
  • Protect hot springs by not throwing anything into them.
  • Park in designated areas and avoid blocking traffic.
  • Stay with my car if I’m stuck in a wildlife jam.
  • Follow speed limits and pull over to let cars pass.
  • Travel safely in bear country by carrying bear spray, making noise, and hiking in groups.
  • Keep my food away from animals.
  • Recycle what I can and put my garbage in bear-proof containers.
  • Tell a ranger, or call 911, if I see someone whose behavior might hurt them or the park.

Thanks for taking the pledge and showing your dedication to Yellowstone! For more info and additional translations, click here.