RV Life in Yellowstone
It’s one of the most frequently asked questions regarding a campground job in Yellowstone: what are the accommodations like for RVers?
To help you prepare for what to expect for living in an RV park, we’ve compiled a list of a few expectations.
Site: what will it be like?
Sites may be back-in or pull-thru and can be situated close together. The site may be shady or sunny for part of or all day. In addition, some of the sites are on dirt roads so they may be dusty. Your site will be assigned and will be based on the sizes of RVs and site sizes.
Utilities: what hook-ups come with the site?
You will have water, sewer, and electrical hook-ups at your site. Due to sites being pull-thrus, back-ins, etc. hook-ups may be on the wrong side of your RV (bring an extension cord). Be prepared to connect to either 30 or 50 amp boxes (bring a way to adapt to either one). You will also want to bring longer water hoses as well as longer sewer lines. The closest place to buy these extra parts are Bozeman, MT or Cody, WY (~120 miles away).
Electricity is metered and there is a $150 allotment per week. Unless you go over the $300 per payperiod allotment, there will be no deductions from your paycheck.
Propane: how do I fill my tank?
If you have a motorhome, Amerigas will fill the tank on site. For travel trailers, 5th wheels, etc. with portable propane tanks you may take your tank(s) to a Yellowstone Park Service Station to be filled or exchanged. The Yellowstone Park Service Stations carry 20 & 30 pound propane tanks for exchange. Amerigas has larger propane tanks that you can rent for the summer, for more information you may contact Amerigas at 406-848-7271.
Pets: can I bring them along?
Please note, there is a two pet limit for RVers. Pets are allowed in RVs. Pets cannot be outside unattended; they need to be on a leash at all times. Pets are also not allowed more than 100 yards off the road. When you are not around they must be left inside and quiet. Pet food and water cannot be left outside unattended. You must clean up after your pets.
Bicycles: should I bring one?
Bicycles are allowed on most roads in the park, but are not allowed on backcountry trails. Though the roads in the Park are narrow, many people enjoy biking in the Park and bikes are a great way to get around your location. Helmets are required when riding while on duty.
Cell phones & Television: how will I keep in touch?
Cell phone reception in the park is spotty, but you do have the option of getting a land phone line with most of the campground sites.As far as TV reception, we do not offer cable hook-up, so you will only be able to get TV reception with a satellite dish. TV antennas do not work.
Community: what is the RV community like?
When working in the Campgrounds you will usually have several potlucks during the season. So, bring your favorite recipes to share. Entertainment is always welcomed at these potlucks. In the past, we have people playing instruments (everything from guitars to spoons) and singing. For the Fourth of July we like to decorate the offices and you are welcome to wear your own red, white, and blue clothes. We also celebrate Christmas in August (August 25) in Yellowstone so if desired you can bring some Christmas stuff (decorations, wrapping paper, etc.) and a Christmas shirt/outfit to wear that day.
You will find the Managers of the Campgrounds/Camper Services to be a big asset in helping you settle into your site when you arrive.
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