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  • Preserving Yellowstone: Sustainable Textile Recycling

    We teamed up with CheckSammy to tackle sustainable recycling of textile waste.

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  • Montana Welcomes Back the Prairie Grass

    A new grazing program will help improve soil health to mitigate the effects of climate change.

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  • Committed to Leaving a Softer Footprint

    At Xanterra Travel Collection®, our mission is to provide Legendary Hospitality with a Softer Footprint®.
    Learn more about our ongoing efforts in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

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Sustainability at Xanterra Travel Collection®


We believe that there are few more important – or more complex – tasks ahead of us than that of reaching an ecological balance between business and the natural environment.

We are a company based upon values that reflect an environmental ethic and social conscience – for the long term. “Our Softer Footprint” focuses on how we reduce our environmental impact through our comprehensive environmental initiatives.

Xanterra’s business practices exemplify environmental stewardship, and a desire to protect and preserve our public lands.


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Waste Management & Recycling

In 2019, we diverted 63% of our waste from landfill disposal. Through extensive composting and recycling programs, we were able to keep nearly 3 million pounds of material from entering our local landfills. In addition to conventional recyclables (cans, bottles, paper, etc.), Yellowstone also recycles (or donates for reuse) electronic waste, used oil, tires, linens and textiles, mattresses, batteries, cooking oil, manure, and much more.

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Energy & Water Conservation

We regularly collect detailed data to help us analyze our utility consumption and identify opportunities to reduce it. By focusing on installing efficient lighting, water fixtures, upgrading mechanical systems, and encouraging efficient guest and employee behavior, we have been able to reduce our water consumption by 35% and our electricity consumption by 23% between 2014 and 2019 (data normalized by revenue).

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Sustainable Design & Construction

The built environment has a significant impact on resource use and Xanterra is committed to practices to support sustainable design and construction – LEED certification being a major focus. We have certified 9 different projects in Yellowstone including all five of the beautiful new guest lodges at Canyon - making the project the largest sustainable design and construction project in the history of the National Park Service.

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To reduce the impacts of in-park transportation, we have focused on right-sizing our fleet, purchasing hybrid vehicles, installing electric vehicle charging stations, and incorporating new technology to improve fleet efficiency. For example, our fleet of winter snowcoaches is equipped with giant low-pressure tires that not only provide a comfortable ride, but triple the fuel economy of the old tracked coaches.

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Green Retail

Our retail operations provide a wide array of environmentally friendly merchandise including items that are locally or regionally produced, sustainably harvested, made of re-purposed or post-consumer recycled content, and/or third party verified as having a reduced environmental impact. As of 2019, over 53% of our products are sustainable, including a variety of reusable water bottles and Kastlfel apparel that is made from recycled PET plastic bottles.

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Sustainable Cuisine

Xanterra operates 31 guest restaurants and cafes in Yellowstone National Park. To give our guests a fresh taste of local flavor, we do our best to source ingredients from nearby farms, ranches, breweries, and distilleries. We like supporting the hardworking families behind these local business, and we feel proud to serve food that is fresh, delicious, and sustainable. More than 58% of our total food is sustainable.


Pass on Plastic

Pack a reusable water bottle you can refill at water bottle filling stations available throughout the park. Disposable plastic drink bottles are very hard on the environment, both in terms of their manufacturing process and their disposal. We have removed all plastic bottled water from our operations in favor of easily recyclable canned water. That helps eliminate 250,000 plastic bottles a year

Sort It Out

Bins for recycling and composting are located in our guest rooms, lobbies, and public areas. Sorting helps us divert over 63% of solid waste from the landfill annually.

Soften Your Stay

For the majority our guest rooms, we automatically enroll you in the Our Softer Footprint Green Housekeeping Program, which reduces energy and resource use by forgoing daily linen changes and room cleaning. However, if you prefer daily servicing during your stay, please let us know at check-in and we’ll gladly accommodate your request.

Be Water Wise

Water is a precious commodity. Short showers can save up to 10 gallons of water per person. Turning off the water between lather and rinse can save even more. Same goes when brushing teeth and shaving.

Give the Gift of Green

If you’re planning on shopping, bring a reusable bag. Consider purchasing environmentally friendly merchandise, items made locally or regionally, from recycled or sustainable materials, and reusable products. We’ve eliminated plastic bags from our shops and carry a wide-range of sustainable products.

Chow Down

Fresh, local, and sustainable cuisine tastes great and is better for you and the environment. 58% of the food items in our restaurants are sustainable, but it’s not just the food that matters. The Mammoth Hotel Dining Room is the first 4-Star Green Restaurant Association certified restaurant in a National Park



We’re proud to have received a number of certifications including US Green Building Council’s LEED certification for nine buildings throughout the park, Green Seal™ Lodging Gold-level Certification of Lake Yellowstone Hotel (2016), Yellowstone’s environmental management system has maintained ISO 14001 certification since 2004, and Green Restaurant Association Certification: Mammoth Hotel Dining Room (4-Star level, first in the National Park Service).

Our Sustainability team is affiliated and collaborates with various park partners, including other concessionaires and NPS, the Western Sustainability Exchange, the U.S. Green Building Council Wyoming Chapter, and Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities.

In addition, Yellowstone’s sustainability efforts have been recognized with awards such as: National Park Service (NPS) Environmental Achievement Award (2017, 2016, 2015, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2006, 2005),  Department of the Interior (DOI) Environmental Achievement Award (2016,  2012, 2009, 2006), National Association of Home Builders Best in Green Award (2015), Trip Advisor GreenLeaders Gold and Silver Level Awards (2014),  American Hotel and Lodging Association’s Stars of the Industry Award Winner (2010, 2005), Association of Retail Environments’ Consumer Education and Outreach Sustainability Award (2010), Travel Industry Association Odyssey Awards (2007), Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Achievement Award (2007, 2006), Environmental Design & Construction Magazine Innovation in Design Award (2005), and many others.