The offer is not valid with the Interagency Annual Pass. If you are a holder of an Access Pass or Senior Pass (formerly known as Golden Access or Golden Age passes) you can receive a 50% discount off of established standard rates at Bridge Bay, Canyon, Grant and Madison Campgrounds. The offer is not valid for Fishing Bridge RV Park. You must show your pass at check-in to receive the discount on your site only. Otherwise you will be charged the prevailing standard rate. For more information about Interagency passes, please visit this page on the NPS website.
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Take the Yellowstone Pledge
Take the pledge. Tell a friend. Protect the park.
The Yellowstone Pledge is a personal promise you can make to yourself and the park. It can be taken anywhere: it doesn’t need to be taken out loud or in front of anyone. Tag #YellowstonePledge and encourage others to do the same.
To be a steward and help protect myself and the park, I pledge to:
Practice safe selfies by never approaching animals to take a picture.
Stay on boardwalks in thermal areas.
Protect hot springs by not throwing anything into them.
Park in designated areas and avoid blocking traffic.
Stay with my car if I’m stuck in a wildlife jam.
Follow speed limits and pull over to let cars pass.
Travel safely in bear country by carrying bear spray, making noise, and hiking in groups.
Keep my food away from animals.
Recycle what I can and put my garbage in bear-proof containers.
Tell a ranger, or call 911, if I see someone whose behavior might hurt them or the park.
Thanks for taking the pledge and showing your dedication to Yellowstone! For more info and additional translations, click here.